tisdag 30 mars 2010

Dead Lovely.

Den här har både M och A tjatat om i hundra år nu - trots att ingen av dem läst den än (snacka om hype). Men vem blir inte sugen efter den här förstasidan:

Some people find themselves all at once, like an explosion. Backpacking in the Himalayas maybe, or tripping on acid. Some people study the art of finding themselves, and graduate - or not - after years of diligence. I found myself bit by bit, through a series of accidents really.
The first bit I found was in a tent on the West Highland Way. My best friend Sarah was asleep. Her husband was lying beside her, and I was swallowing his semen. I discovered the next piece of me at the bottom of a cliff, where I dragged Sarah's dead body, bumping her head from rock to rock. Sarah, my best friend since we were little girls, who I'd betrayed and murdered.
And then, in the darkness of my parents' attic, I found the rest of me.

Det kallas tydligen Chick Lit Noir...

4 kommentarer:

Gabriella sa...

Jag gillar absolut konceptet men blev oerhört störd av den irrationella, korkade, osympatiska och enormt irriterande huvudpersonen. Får kanske testa en annan Fitzgerald.

Rebecca sa...

lite som Helen Fieldings Olivia Joules And The Overactive Imagination kanske?

Aidaho sa...

den skulle jag vilja läsa!

Anna W sa...

hehe, nu måste jag läsa och se hur huvudpersonen är! aldrig bra om läsaren inte får sympati...